Sarah, Plain And Tall Winters End 1999

Sarah, Plain And Tall Winters End 1999

Release Date : Nov. 20, 1999 | Rating ★★★★★★★
Details : The third installment of the Sarah trilogy provides a glorious and touching story of a family drawn together by adversity. On a cold winter day a stranger shows up at the farm. He is slow to reveal his identity. When they find out he is Jacobs father John Witting thought long ago dead hard questions about the past are difficult to get answered.
Cast and Crew :

Glenn Close as Sarah Witting

Christopher Walken as Jacob Witting

Jack Palance as John Witting

Lexi Randall as Anna

Chris Bell as Caleb

George Hearn as Dr. Hartley

Emily Osment as Cassie

Betty Laird as May Parkley | Calen Pick as Justin | Director  : Glenn A. Jordan | Writer  : Patricia MacLachlan |